Sunday, November 2, 2008

The creative process

The principle is not a thing.Call it zero..
The principle in action is the unity of creation.This unity is a single whole.Call it one.
Creations consist of pairs of opposites or polarities.Call these polarities or pairs two's.These polarities become creative when they interact.
Their interaction is third element.Call it three.
For example,a man and a woman are two.Their interaction, or intercourse,the third element,makes babies.That is cretive.That is how all creativity occours.
The man knows about pairs of opposites and their interactions.The leader know how to be creative.In order to lead,the leader learns how to follow.In order to prosper,the leader learns to live simply.In both cases,it is the interaction that is cretive.
Leading without following is sterile. Trying to become rich by accumulating more and more is a full-time career and not free at all.
Being one-side always produces unexpected and paradoxial results.Being well-defended will not protect you;it will diminish your life and eventually kill you.
Exceptions to these examples of traditional wisdom are very hard to find....

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Owning or being owned??

Dedicated to the cilcom,my fam,and frends...

Are you doing this work to facilitate growth or to become famous?
Which is more important:aquiring more posessions or or becoming more conscious?Which works better:getting or letting go??
There is problem with owning a lot.There is problem with getting more and more...
The more you have and the more you get,the more you have to look after.The more you might lose.Is that owning or being owned?
But if you give up things,you can give up spending your life looking after things.
Try being still in order to discover your inner security.If you have inner security,you have what you want anyway.Also you will be less harried,and you will last longer....